Marketing & Sales

Close collaboration with Berlingske Media

For more than two hundred years, Det Berlingske Hus has distinguished itself as one of the country’s leading news providers with magazines that have created value, knowledge, and entertainment in Danish homes. Among other things, ISA Publishing has contributed to this mission through the development and production of a Weekend magazine that we publish, and has been distributed with B.T. for a number of years.


Specialist in content marketing and advertising sales

In addition to our broad production of content for leading publications in Denmark, we are also the market leader in advertising sales. We base our service on serious advice, analyzes to document impact and deep experience with media, people and professional sales. This has given us a significant customer portfolio, and we have a years of collaborations history delivering themed magazine insertions, marketing content in form of advertisements and advertorials to, for example, Berlingske, B.T. and Weekendavisen.